#计算机科学#Python code for "Probabilistic Machine learning" book by Kevin Murphy
翻译 - 用于“机器学习:概率视角”的Python代码(第2版)
Course materials of "Bayesian Modelling and Probabilistic Programming with Numpyro, and Deep Generative Surrogates for Epidemiology"
#计算机科学#Bayesian Learning and Neural Networks (jupyter book sources)
A multiverse of Prophet models for timeseries
Estimating time trees from very large phylogenies
Efficient library for spectral analysis in high-energy astrophysics.
JAX Tutorial notebooks : basics, crash & tips, usage of optax/JaxOptim/Numpyro
Probabilistic deep learning using JAX
My implementation of John K. Kruschke's Doing Bayesian Data Analysis 2nd edition using Python and Numpyro.
Tutorials for the 2022 IAIFI Summer School, covering (deep) probabilistic programming with Jax and NumPyro.
Summary notebooks using derivative gaussian processes with tinygp. We implement a 2D derivative gaussian process and successfully use derivatives to regularize SVI fits with a gaussian process model..
Very easy Bayesian regression.
Repo for course CSC2558: "Intelligent Adaptive Interventions" project in nonstationary contextual bandits.
#计算机科学#Oxford MSc thesis. PriorVAE with graph convolutional networks for learning locally-aware spatial prior distributions
Bayesian inference using sparse gaussian processes from tinygp. Examples include 1D and 2D implementation.
Statistical rethinking by Richard McElreath. Learning notes, code port to PyMC (mainly for MCMC) v5 & Numpyro (mainly for `quap`).
#计算机科学#Hierarchical Bayesian estimation of MEP recruitment curves