#计算机科学#Python code for "Probabilistic Machine learning" book by Kevin Murphy
翻译 - 用于“机器学习:概率视角”的Python代码(第2版)
The repository pymolschortucts contains the a collection of shortcuts that are loaded on startup of PyMOL. These shortcuts enable websearches from within PyMOL as well as many other convienent functio...
Pymolsnips is a library of PyMOL scripting language code fragments for several popular text editors.
Frequency-domain finite-difference (FDFD) MATLAB package for 2D visco-acoustic wave equation
New version of the PML language and (classical) proof assistant
Test framework and test runner for the PML programming language
Script to facilitate the making of horizontal scripts
Outputs a macro to export Aveva Review files and the Navisworks file from the json format options.