Spartacus DLL/COM Hijacking Toolkit
The world's most powerful System Activity Monitor Engine · 一款功能强大的终端行为采集防御开发套件 ~ 旨在帮助EDR、零信任、数据安全、审计管控等终端安全软件可以快速实现产品功能, 而不用关心底层驱动的开发、维护和兼容性问题,让其可以专注于业务开发
Parser to process monitor file formats
Advanced process execution monitoring utility for linux (procmon like)
Monitoring Registry and File Changes in Windows
Monitor windows kernel event, based on etw, development in rust. A replacement of procmon. more events and useful filter. Typically can check handle leak for a few weeks.
Materials for Diagnostics Expert online course
A command line tool that sends its input data to a running procmon instance.
Procmonel is Procmon like monitoring system implemented using Microsoft WDK
Process Monitor for Debian Linux Distros. Monitor CPU Utilization
Associates netflow data with system processes and logs to syslog
The procmon script is used to monitorize commands that were ran or will run on the system, in order to make privilege escalation and lateral movement on a Linux target.
A LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) model + dataset. Utilises the procmon logging system to analyze malware/virus process activity in the form of binary classification [malicious/benign]. Created for my U...
Python script to index SysInternals procmon CSV exports into elasticsearch