Aria/qBittorrent Telegram Mirror/Leech Bot.
翻译 - 可以使用Heroku部署的Telegram镜像机器人。
A telegram bot for all your mirror needs | OG Repo
翻译 - 满足您所有镜像需求的电报机器人
Telegram Mirror and Leech Bot
Telegram Group Manager Bot Written In Python Using Pyrogram.
Official Zee Repository: Telegram bot which can download direct links, torrents, nzb, google drive, telegram document, mega links, any file/folder from rclone supported clouds, all yt-dlp supported si...
#下载器#A Pyrogram based Telegram Bot to Transfer Files / Folders to Telegram and Google Drive With Multi-Functionality Using Google Colaboratory
Aria,Qbittorent & Leech Telegram Mirror Bot
#下载器#A fork-clone of
Original repo -
A Telegram Bot written in Python language to mirror files on the internet to Google Drive.
Official Repository: Switch bot which can download direct links, torrents, google drive, telegram documents, switch documents, any file/folder from rclone supported clouds, all yt-dlp supported sites ...
A telegram bot that downloads content in the form of torrent and direct download links and mirrors them 1:1 to google drive
#区块链#Automatically manage all your ANC, MIR, SPEC token rewards, Mirror Delta Neutral Short Positions, Liquidity Pools, UST claims after lockup, Anchor Borrow and Earn for Terra.
THIS IS UPSTREAM REPO FOR MIRROR-IN GROUP Based on mirror-leech-telegram-bot repository
Official Repository: Telegram bot which can download torrents, mega, google drive, telegram document, any file/folder from rclone supported clouds and direct links + all yt-dlp supported sites, then u...
A Telegram Mirror, Leech Bot | Railway Deploy
An Telegram bot which can download torrents, mega, google drive links, telegram file, direct links and all yt-dlp sites, upload to google drive, telegram cloud, rclone clouds or ddl servers. Made with...
#下载器#A Super Enhanced Telegram bot which can download torrents, mega, google drive links, telegram file, direct links and all yt-dlp sites, upload to google drive, telegram cloud, rclone clouds or ddl serv...