AutoRclone: rclone copy/move/sync (automatically) with thousands of service accounts
翻译 - AutoRclone:具有数以千计的服务帐户的rclone复制/移动/同步(自动)
Aria/qBittorrent Telegram Mirror/Leech Bot.
翻译 - 可以使用Heroku部署的Telegram镜像机器人。
A telegram bot for all your mirror needs | OG Repo
翻译 - 满足您所有镜像需求的电报机器人
Telegram Mirror and Leech Bot
[USE ALPHA BRANCH] Simple Bot to clone Google Drive Files (or Folders) to your Team Drive[or Normal Drive]. P.S This is not a Mirror Bot. Enjoy ✌🏻
Aria,Qbittorent & Leech Telegram Mirror Bot
A telegram bot for searching files in Drive.
Original repo -
Rewrite of
A Telegram Bot written in Python language to mirror files on the internet to Google Drive.
A command line utility for interacting with Google Drive and Team Drive
A command line utility for interacting with Google Drive and Team Drive
Process for creating Token.Pickle, Token_sa.Pickle & Service Accounts JSON Files from Windows CMD. Also adding service accounts into a Shared Drive (Team Drive)