1) proxy: LB,DNS,Socks. 2) k8s: CRD and Controllers. 3) sdn: TCP/IP Stack + Flow Tables.
Hello eBPF world! Hello Java world! Let's discover eBPF together and write Java user-land library along the way.
Java Coding Problems, Second Edition - Published by Packt
使用panama api为java提供io_uring的绑定而无需使用jni绑定,同时统一文件IO和网络IO的模型,提供一套易用的异步IO API
Gradle plugin for integrating Project Panama's jextract tool
Validador javascript de la cédula de panama. A javascript validator of the Panamenian id (cedula)
#计算机科学#A type-safe, lightweight, modern, and performant binding Java binding of Microsoft's ONNX Runtime
A modern networking framework based on ucx for Java 19+
Code Generator for Java and C, making it easier to use Java Panama and Graal Native Image
Win32 and DirectX mappings for java using Project Panama. Ignore the C# tag, it's just reference code used for decompilation
Basic speed tests on SIMD operations with Java 13 Vector API
A simple application demonstrating Project Panama's Foreign Function Interface