Graphy is the ultimate, easy to use, feature packed FPS counter, stats monitor and debugger for your Unity project.
翻译 - Graphy是Unity项目的终极,易于使用,功能齐全的FPS计数器,状态监控器和调试器。
#NVJOB FPS Counter and Graph. Free Unity Asset.
Tool to measure FPS, take screenshots, record video and draw overlay
Unity Viking Village + #NVJOB Water Shader, Dynamic Sky, STC (Demo). Unity Asset.
Library to measure FPS and FlipRate
MethodsCmp: A Simple Toolkit for Counting the FLOPs/MACs, Parameters and FPS of Pytorch-based Methods
Script to read frames from the camera using multithreading Python
A Flutter library to catch fps.
A convinient command line utility to log system and process metrics.
This program uses Pygame to create a window displaying FPS, CPU usage, and GPU usage in real-time. It uses the psutil and gpustat modules to gather data about system performance. Users can adjust the ...
FPS counter, For multiple games | Plugin for UdrakoLoader.
Get a notification on Telegram when intruder is in a room, using Tensorflow/OpenCV/Raspberry Pi3/Telegram
Rust implementation of the eponymous game with a fixed size, periodic universe. Compiled to WASM and interfaced with a Next.js UI that's built with Tailwind.
A queue that drops its content after a given amount of time.