Low cost motion capture system for room scale tracking
An Evaluation of Feature Matchers for Fundamental Matrix Estimation (BMVC 2019)
3D modeling from uncalibrated images
Implementing different steps to estimate the 3D motion of the camera. Provides as output a plot of the trajectory of the camera.
[BMVC2021] "TransFusion: Cross-view Fusion with Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation"
A Collection of Algorithms for Relative Pose Estimation of a Calibrated Camera
Real-time Stereo Visual SLAM Pipeline with Bundle Adjustment
Real-Time Monocular Visual SLAM with Pose-graph optimization
Programs to detect keyPoints in Images using SIFT, compute Homography and stitch images to create a Panorama and compute epilines and depth map between stereo images.
3D scene reconstruction and camera pose estimation given images from different views (Structure from Motion)
This is an implementation of Shearlet Transform (ST) for light field reconstruction using TensorFlow 1.x.
simple library for uncalibrated stereo rectification using feature points
Python code to estimate depth using stereo vision.
Contains notes and assignment solutions for the Robotics Perception MOOC offered by coursera
Computer Vision @GTech MSCS
Structure from Motion and NeRF
Assignments for 3D Computer Vision, IIT Gandhinagar
[WACV-2020] Exploiting Geometric Constraints on Dense Trajectories for Motion Saliency
Some projects are modified from Chu-Song Chen's class of 3D Computer Vision with Deep Learning Applications at National Taiwan University.
Depth Estimation Using Stereo Cameras