#IOS#Largest list of models for Core ML (for iOS 11+)
翻译 - Core ML的最大型号列表(适用于iOS 11+)
#计算机科学#Core ML tools contain supporting tools for Core ML model conversion, editing, and validation.
翻译 - Core ML工具包含用于Core ML模型转换,编辑和验证的支持工具。
#自然语言处理#A curated collection of iOS, ML, AR resources sprinkled with some UI additions
#计算机科学#Export Hugging Face models to Core ML and TensorFlow Lite
#IOS#Collection of models for Core ML
Keras-OpenFace is a project converting OpenFace from Torch implementation to a Keras version
#计算机科学#Convmelspec: Convertible Melspectrograms via 1D Convolutions
Curated way to convert deep learning model to mobile⚡️
#IOS#Deep learning installed Shape Detector using Keras and CoreML 📱
Demo of using keras to generate a neural network and iOS 11 to run the converted model.
#IOS#Sample app that predicts the flower type on an image, using Core ML and the Oxford 102 category flower dataset.
#IOS#iOS image classification app using Core ML and MobileNet
#IOS#PyTorch to CoreML: Writing custom layers with Metal shaders - torch.nn.functional.grid_sample operation
Repo accompanying the blog post "How to Deploy A State-of-the-art PyTorch Model to iOS via Core ML (Part 3)".
Repo accompanying the blog post "How to Deploy PyTorch Models with Core ML Conversion Issues"
Tool for exporting Apple Neural Engine-accelerated versions of transformers models on HuggingFace Hub.
#IOS#CoreML custom layer (GPU-accelerated) and converter for torchvision.ops.deform_conv2d