#IOS#Largest list of models for Core ML (for iOS 11+)
翻译 - Core ML的最大型号列表(适用于iOS 11+)
#人脸识别#Photo Assessment using Core ML and Metal.
#IOS#This app recognises 3 hand signs - fist, high five and victory hand [ rock, paper, scissors basically :) ] with live feed camera. It uses a HandSigns.mlmodel which has been trained using Custom Vision...
#计算机科学#This project shows how to use CoreML and Vision with a pre-trained deep learning SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector) model. There are many variations of SSD. The one we’re going to use is MobileNetV2 ...
YOLOv3 on COCO dataset in CoreML with Vision implemented for iPhone iOS in Swift
#计算机科学#Core ML and Vision object classifier with a lightweight trained model. The model is trained and tested with Create ML straight from Xcode Playgrounds with the dataset I provided.
The browser that can predict where is the user gaze area in smart phone's screen.
#IOS#Style transfer CoreML model
YOLO v3 on OpenImages dataset in CoreML with Vision implemented for iPhone iOS in Swift
Transform the object detection model trained on TensorFlow to iOS CoreML model type
#IOS#A small app that recognizes plants by a photo. The app was a test for me to understand Apple's CoreML Kit.
#人脸识别#Demo app for gender classification of facial images using GenderNet, Vision and CoreML.
#IOS#Just build this simple app to check CoreML feature in MLTokyo Meetup
#计算机科学#Recognise the image selected by the user, using Apple Core ML Framework (Inception3 Model)