An Agile RISC-V SoC Design Framework with in-order cores, out-of-order cores, accelerators, and more
翻译 - 具有按序排列的内核,按序排列的内核,加速器等的敏捷RISC-V SoC设计框架
The Common Evaluation Platform (CEP), based on UCB's Chipyard Framework, is an SoC design that contains only license-unencumbered, freely available components.
BOOM's Simulation Accelerator.
This project aims to boot Linux on a RocektChip based SoC, synthesised on the DE10-Nano board. Computer Science Bachelor's Thesis at UAB, Spain.
A systemverilog/UVM/Makefile testbench for Rocket RISC-V SoCs
An online viewer for Chipyard output files
😱 RoCC Accelerator Integration with Chipyard
This Github repository serves as a User Guide (UG) for new Chipyard users.