3D GPUs Strange Attractors and Hypercomplex Fractals explorer - up to 256 Million particles in RealTime
翻译 - 3D奇怪的吸引子GPU侦察兵和超复杂的分形-超过2亿个粒子
PowerShell module for accessing Azure DevOps Services and Azure DevOps Server (formerly VSTS or TFS)
AZDO OpenGL techniques including multi draw indirect (MDI), visibility culling and LOD selection inside the GPU
Azure DevOps extensions from CSE DevOps team
Azure DevOps Agent Docker Images. Based on this: https://github.com/microsoft/vsts-agent-docker
Revision of the Kokoro game engine
An Azure DevOps pipeline to auto-update PRs with the base branch changes
🧰 This repository contains all elements needed to setup and maintain IoT TestStream to target secure, scalable remote pipelines that can run on different community members and run real hardwar...
Open a repository from Azure DevOps in VSCode.dev
Azure DevOps Data Collector
A tool for securely viewing Azure DevOps Variable Group secrets. This pipeline retrieves variables from a specified group, storing them as artifacts. It allows authorized users to inspect secret value...
OpenGL/Vulkan based graphics engine.
Create Azure DevOps project items using a json template