Azure DevOps Extension for Azure CLI
Azure DevOps Migration Tools allow you to migrate Teams, Backlogs, Work Items, Tasks, Test Cases, and Plans & Suits from one Project to another in Azure DevOps / TFS both within the same Organisation,...
翻译 - Azure DevOps迁移工具允许您在同一组织内以及组织之间将团队,积压,任务,测试用例以及计划和诉讼从一个项目迁移到Azure DevOps / TFS中的另一个项目。
A Power BI template that provides easy to understand, actionable flow metrics and predictive analytics for your agile teams using Azure DevOps, Azure DevOps Server and/or TFS.
Power Platform Build Tools automate common build and deployment tasks related to Power Platform. This includes synchronization of solution metadata (a.k.a. solutions) between development environments ...
Pipeline tasks for Azure DevOps Extensions
Azure DevOps extension adding tools to build and deploy Unity 3D projects using Azure Pipelines
A new version of Aggregator aiming at Azure DevOps (ex Visual Studio Team Services)
A GitHub Action & Azure Pipelines task for augmenting pull request titles to let reviewers quickly determine PR size and test coverage.
Estimate - Planning Poker for Azure Boards
Assembly Info is an extension for Azure DevOps that populates assembly information metadata from a build pipeline.
Embed Google Lighthouse HTML reports into Azure Pipelines
Azure Pipelines tasks for Team Foundation Version Control
Azure DevOps extensions from CSE DevOps team
[No longer maintain] 🦀 Rust extension for Azure DevOps
Simple build tasks to manipulate variables.
Microsoft SQL Server deployment extensions for Azure DevOps Pipelines
Azure DevOps Extension to send custom notifications to Telegram
Azure DevOps extension to enable cascading picklists on the work item form
A series of sample Decorators for Azure Pipelines (Build and Release), plus some more Advanced ones
Azure Pipelines Tasks that help you build and publish your applications on Microsoft Azure