🔍🔍 Malware scanner for cloud-native, as part of CI/CD and at Runtime 🔍🔍
Proactive, Open source API security → API discovery, API Security Posture, Testing in CI/CD, Test Library with 1000+ Tests, Add custom tests, Sensitive data exposure
SBOM quality score - Quality metrics for your sboms
🔍 Seccomp profiling and function-level tracing tool.
Comprehensive set of Terraform coding standards designed for enterprise-level projects
CLI component of OWASP PurpleTeam
Mixeway is security orchestrator for vulnerability scanners which enable easy plug in integration with CICD pipelines. MixewayHub project contain one click docker-compose file which configure and run ...
DevSecOps Project using git, GitHub, jenkins, Maven,Junit, SonarQube, Docker, Trivy, Hashicorp Vault, AWS, Kubernetes
Code examples for the AWS Security Blog post: How to use CI/CD to deploy and configure AWS security services with Terraform
DevSecOps pipeline for Python based project using Jenkins, Ansible, AWS, and open-source security tools and checks.
Application Security pipelines
Efficient DevSecOps
A set of Gitlab pipelines and Github workflows to automate and ease on BugBounty and Penetration Testing engagements
All of our GitHub Actions rolled into one. Or as we like to say: One GitHub Action to rule them all!
Using PyRaider You can scan installed dependencies known security vulnerabilities. It uses publicly known exploits, vulnerabilities database.
A demo of cloud-native Inner Loop and Outer Loop controlling a 2-tier app (Python + Go) with Red Hat OpenShift using Tekton Pipelines, Argo CD GitOps, Eclipse Che aka OpenShift DevSpaces and Quay.io r...
Mixeway is security orchestrator for vulnerability scanners which enable easy plug in integration with CICD pipelines. MixewayBackend project contains source code of backend with all plugin integratio...
La intención de la workshop es mostrar y orientar a los equipos de desarrollo, seguridad y devops (entre otros) que quieran comenzar en DevSecOps, a segurar sus aplicaciones o bien a conocer un poco ...