A pipeline that can detects lane boundaries, predicts upcoming curves, and measures lane curvature.
Use segmentation networks to recognize lane lines and vehicles. Infer position and curvature of lane lines relative to self.
Advanced lane finding
Computer Vision algorithm to compute road curvature and lane vehicle offset using OpenCV Image Processing, Camera Calibration, Perspective Transform, Color Masks, Sobels and Polynomial Fit.
Applied computer vision techniques to identify lane lines, vehicle position and radius of curvature from a video stream from a forward-facing camera mounted on the front of a vehicle.
Linear MPC for Lane Keeping and Obstacle Avoidance on Low Curvature Roads - Paper Application
Advanced lane detection using computer vision
Camera Calibration; Distortion Correction; Perspective transform ("bird-eye view"); Compute curvature and vehicle position.
Including Camera Calibration, Perspective Transformation, Lane Curvature and Offset Identification
A robust lane finding algorithm which also calculates curvature of the road.
Mean Curvature Skeletons (i.e. curve-skeleton extraction via mean curvature flow)
Calculate the curvature of discrete points
Curvature assignment for Geometry Processing course
翻译 - 几何处理课程的曲率分配
Find roads that are the most curvy or twisty based on Open Street Map (OSM) data.
Curvature Filters are efficient solvers for Variational Models
A paper list of lane detection.
DetectGPT: Zero-Shot Machine-Generated Text Detection using Probability Curvature
Azur Lane scripts patcher.
Caltech Lane Detection Software
Lane detection and tracking
Lane detection using OpenCV
Plugin based interface program for ETS2/ATS.
Second Order Optimization and Curvature Estimation with K-FAC in JAX.