#计算机科学#Papers for Video Anomaly Detection, released codes collection, Performance Comparision.
#计算机科学#Out-of-the-box code and models for CMU's object detection and tracking system for multi-camera surveillance videos. Speed optimized Faster-RCNN model. Tensorflow based. Also supports EfficientDet. WAC...
翻译 - CMU用于监视视频的目标检测和跟踪系统的现成代码和模型。速度优化的Faster-RCNN模型。基于Tensorflow还支持EfficientDet。 WACVW'20
Open Surveillance
#计算机科学#Efficient violence detection in surveillance videos using Human Skeletons and Motion Estimation
Code release for "Online Rain/Snow Removal from Surveillance Videos (TIP2021)"
#计算机科学#deep-learning based data extraction from surveillance videos
#人脸识别#2023 IEEE World AI IoT: Multi-Camera Face Detection and Recognition in Unconstrained Environment
Masterthesis by Fabian Hofmann (2021, @TU-Berlin/DOS)
Multi-branch Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection under adverse lighting and weather conditions
#人脸识别#Face Recognition on SurvFace or Custom Dataset using OpenSphere
This is an implementation for paper Decoupled appearance and motion learning for efficient anomaly detection in surveillance videos
Python code for paper: "Manifold Learning-based Clustering Approach applied toAnomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos" VISAPP/VISIGRAPP 2020