AWS Serverless Event-driven Microservices with using AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDB, AWS API Gateway, AWS EventBridge, AWS SQS, AWS CDK stands for Cloud Development Kit for IaC — Infrastructure as Code tool...
A simple wrapper for boto3 for listening, and sending, to an AWS SQS queue
#编辑器#*DO NOT USE* - This project was done during my initial python and lambda's studies. I would recommend you the `serverless framework`.
A Queue Abstraction Layer for Rust (Redis, RabbitMQ, SQS, etc.)
Java SQS Listener library built to be customisable and dynamic during runtime
#面试#Databases: Concepts, commands, codes, interview questions and more...
serverless plugin that can configure a lambda with a dead letter queue or topic
Command-line tool used to scan thru an AWS SQS queue and find messages matching a certain criteria, among MANY other useful SQS administration features
Backend serverless que simula o sistema de votação do BBB
Asynchronous serverless task queue with timed leasing of tasks. Threaded implementations for SQS and local filesystem.
Django Background Tasks for Amazon Elastic Beanstalk
Simple SQS Queue Bundle for Symfony
Sidekiq extension that provides an easy way to poll and process messages from AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) queues within a Sidekiq worker
Deploying Django application with Celery and Reddis as broker on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Setting up an API Gateway endpoint that takes records, put them into an SQS queue that triggers an Event Source for a Lambda function.