Материалы для студентов ФПМИ
CSI-KJSCE's official android application
Curated repository for all the teaching materials (courses, seminars, etc.) provided by the lab and its members.
📚 A series of jupyter notebooks dedicated to introduction to Quantum Computing
My github page
SoftUni Interactive Content: Courses, Lessons, Seminars, Trainings
IN DEVELOPMENT: Bristlecone Conference Management System: a MERN-stack conference organizing and management system
TYPO3 Extension für Campus Events
TYPO3 Extension für Campus Events
All the content, notes, resources which were discussed during my Workshops/ Seminars/ Expert Talks will be uploaded here
Probability: Summer Science Institute at Auburn
TeX conspects of lectures and seminars, labs and homeworks in university
A Series of Lessons , Projects and Quizzes for Students to Start Learning Python
TYPO3 Extension für Campus Events