Open Hardware scanning triangulation laser rangefinder
Alternative firmware for a cheap X-40 laser tape measure
Python script to remote control a BOSCH GLM 100C rangefinder via its Bluetooth serial interface
Ping Viewer is an open-source application to view and record data from the Blue Robotics Ping Echosounder and Ping360 Scanning Sonar.
How to measure distance with a webcam, a laser pointer and OpenCV.
A package to convert range data from ROS range topics to pointclouds
Turns your M5StickC with the ToF HAT into a laser rangefinder.
Extrinsic calibration for single point rangefinder and monocular vision systems
#安卓#Android Studio project for quickly connecting Android devices to the kogger sonars
Program to read measurements from Bosch GLM 50C. May work with othe Bosch laser meters, YMMV.