AMSF, a.k.a. Almace Scaffolding, a super-fast Jekyll framework fighting against the website obesity.
翻译 - AMSF,又名Almace脚手架,一种与网站肥胖症作斗争的超快速Jekyll框架。它支持LiveReload,Sass,HTML压缩,内联样式表等。
Framework for empirically exploring query complexity questions
A discord bot to generate random Mario Kart 8 Builds. The bot supports both versions of the game (Switch / WiiU)
This is a 15 Puzzle Game in C, with arrow key controls on a 4x4 board. Randomized tile positions generated by time.h library. Includes a rules window and developed using Code::Blocks IDE.
R code as supplementary material to the paper 'A novel estimand to adjust for rescue treatment in randomized clinical trials' (Michiels et al. 2021)
#算法刷题#With this package, you can create Random Numbers and Timestamp Based Random Numbers with low probability of collision using strong randomized bytes as seed.
Implementation of papers: Rádli, R., & Czúni, L.: Deep Randomized Networks for Fast Learning (2023), Iteratively increasing randomized networks (2024)
#算法刷题#An Algorithm is a sequence of steps to solve a problem.