7-Zip Official Chinese Simplified Repository (Homepage and 7z Extra package)
翻译 - 7-Zip 官方简体中文存储库(主页和 7z 额外包)
AMSF, a.k.a. Almace Scaffolding, a super-fast Jekyll framework fighting against the website obesity.
翻译 - AMSF,又名Almace脚手架,一种与网站肥胖症作斗争的超快速Jekyll框架。它支持LiveReload,Sass,HTML压缩,内联样式表等。
A dependency-free pure JavaScript image zooming library less than 2 KB (gzipped). Inspired by tholman/intense-images
The Complete CSS Demo for OpenType Features
Erratic colors for machines and people, powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence, just kidding.
Grunt sw-precache wrapper
Jekyll in Docker with Node.js + Grunt.js
Almace Scaffolding demos for GitHub Pages and Netlify
ARCHIVE: Default theme for AMSF (Almace Scaffolding) written in Less