Malcolm is a powerful, easily deployable network traffic analysis tool suite for full packet capture artifacts (PCAP files), Zeek logs and Suricata alerts.
A monster cheatsheet on MITM attacks
A website and framework for testing NIDS detection
NetProbe: Network Probe
DoSinator is a powerful Denial of Service (DoS) testing tool developed in Python.
#计算机科学#Material workbench for the master-level course CS-E4740 "Federated Learning"
Lucideus CyberGym is the internal CTF event we organise for our security professionals to grow and learn together. Now everyone can access the challenges that can be easily setup and start playing.
CobaltStrike and Google Auth twice
CyberSec Resources: FRAMEWORKS & STANDARDS; Pentesting Audits & Hacking; PURPLE TEAMING, AD, API, web, clouds, CTF, OSINT, Pentest tools, Network Security, Privilege escalation, Exploiting, Reversing,...
#计算机科学#IoT Attack Detection with machine learning
This repository is a collection of detailed notes, summaries, and resources to help you prepare for the Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate. Whether you're aiming to enhance your knowledge i...
Just like a ghost, Ghost_Dir is capable of detecting hidden subdirectories that other scanning tools may not be able to find. It acts silently, without leaving any traces, and is able to penetrate int...
#计算机科学#Deep Model Intrusion Detection (IDS) Evaluation of NSL KDD and CIC IDS 2018 datasets.
YARA rule-based automation system to detect network attacks at byte-level
Cryptography and Network Security form the backbone of secure communication in the digital realm. Cryptography involves the art and science of securing information through techniques such as encryptio...
Real world application of Manipulating Excel Sheet using python.
CCNA-Labs From Zero 🔥🔥