Google Sign-in for your React Native applications
翻译 - 适用于React Native应用程序的Google登录
A React Google Login Component
Discord (with unique roles in each server, image, audio sharing, auto render video links in messages, discord loading logo between page renderings) with React, React Router, Material UI, SASS, Styled...
A quick reference guide for Android development.
CobaltStrike and Google Auth twice
Social Authentication using Google, Facebook, Twitter & Phone in Flutter and Firebase.
A flutter app to track college and school busses in real-time.
💄Shofy - Beauty & Cosmetics is a modern and feature-rich full stack eCommerce web app + admin panel built with Next.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Redux Toolkit, Stripe, and Bootstrap 5. Start selling beau...
Authentication Using Google In ASP.NET Core 2.0
React JS : A Step-by-Step Guide to Google Authentication
SPRIOC: On this platform you can make your own path and share with it others and you can view others path with permissions this the figma design for the our web app design :
oAuth2.0 Authentication using ReactJS, NodeJS, MySQL & JWT. I haven't found any Repository or Blogs or any YouTube video which will explain oAuth2.0 easily, So i thought this Repository will help you ...
Welcome to Job Junction, a robust MERN Stack job portal where users can filter job listings by title, location, and posting time. Featuring secure user authentication via email, password, or Gmail, re...
a simple application for creating story and share you can login with google and you and add story and you can make story public or private
Chat App Created Using Next.js, Chakra UI & Firebase.
NodeJS module is built in order to make it easier to authenticate with google without knowing too much about how it works. This tool is recommended for both automation and development.
This Anime Site is made with Vite + React JS and Rest API From Anime Indo
A Anonymous chat App using Firebase- Remote DB , Cloud messaaging, Remote Config, Invites, Alamofire, SwiftIcons,SwiftJSON, Paper Onbarding
FastAPI + NextJS14 + GoogleAuth Starter Kit. Tested live on Vercel Deployment