#安卓#App-level wallpaper color palette generation for Android 5.0+
Material You color algorithms for .NET
#安卓#Create Monet Theme for MiXplorer (Android)
Nest.js + MongoDB exmaple app
Powerful pipes for TypeScript, that chain Promise and ADT for you 🚌 -> ⛰️ -> 🚠 -> 🏂 -> 🚀
Dynamic Cinnamon Theme Engine for Linux Mint 21
Check new tree there https://github.com/xiaomi-sm7250
Final project for the Machine Learning course at Tsinghua University, Fall 2020
Getting familiar with Graph Neural Nets and the pytorch_geometric library
Tensorflow and Keras implementation of a cycle GAN to transform ordinary photos into Monet paintings.
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#安卓#Visualizes the dynamic color palettes of Android 12
#计算机科学#Wake that inner Monet inside you
Trabajo Fin de Grado de Ingeniería de Computadores: Generación de cuadros impresionistas mediante Redes Neuronales.