ESP8266 RFID (RC522, PN532, Wiegand, RDM6300) Access Control system featuring WebSocket, JSON, NTP Client, Javascript, SPIFFS
翻译 - ESP8266 RFID(RC522,PN532,Wiegand,RDM6300)访问控制系统,具有WebSocket,JSON,NTP Client,Javascript和SPIFFS
MFRC522 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
MIFARE Classic(S50, S70) full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
#安全#🔑 Control your MFRC522 RFID Module with your Raspberry-pi and JavaScript
💳 RFID Attendance System realized using MFRC522 and ESP32
MFRC522 RFID Reader Library for Raspberry Pi
Libraries for interfacing ESP32 with MFRC522 RFID reader.
Reading and writing strings to and from MiFare tags using a Raspberry Pi and the RFID-RC522
Library to allow easily reading and writing to RFID tags using MFRC522 module
Arduino ESP32 ESP8266, RFID-MFRC522 Logger; read card with RC522 , send to SQL via web server over SSL
A security support and attendance system for St. Bernadette College of Alabang. This project uses RFID as the identification device of students and staffs. It monitors the visitation records of each p...
Library to write an RFID code in the EEPROM in order to check if the code corresponds to a code already saved.