ESP8266 RFID (RC522, PN532, Wiegand, RDM6300) Access Control system featuring WebSocket, JSON, NTP Client, Javascript, SPIFFS
翻译 - ESP8266 RFID(RC522,PN532,Wiegand,RDM6300)访问控制系统,具有WebSocket,JSON,NTP Client,Javascript和SPIFFS
This is full code to read RFID tag via NODEMCU and MFRC522 and send data to web server.
IoT Smart Door Lock with Rfid Reader
A super duper RFID doorlock application using Cobot, written in Node.js.
rfid door lock security access control system using Mifare PN532 and Beaglebone black.
Working Access Control system based on ESP8266 with MFRC522 rfid reader. Complete set of Kicad based source files and Gerber files are in the pcb folder. Code and Use case is explained in README
Wiegand decoder for attiny84/44
RFID door-lock access system for my Dad's property.
Proyecto Final de Carrera: Control de accesos con una placa de desarrollo Arduino, un módulo RFID y con registros almacenados en una base de datos en MySQL
An automated doorlock system for your IoT project made in C#.
RFID door reader for Fabman service.
An ESP scans the RFID cards and sends messages to other ESPs to unlock the door if it was the correct RFID card.
This aim of making this lock was to provide convenience of entering and exiting from mine residence at Amritsar.It includes Smart Electric door lock, Arduino Nano,RFID based sensor for ease of enterin...
REST service for RFID doorsigns using Spring Boot and Kotlin
An experimental information dashboard for a custom built Smart Door at Inovus Labs
Code for RFID door lock system using Arduino UNO
Intelligent locker based on ESP8266 for Home Assistant