React components of open-source Orbit design system by
Build and distribute Linux packages from sources in an automatic, consistent and reproducible way #obs
翻译 - 以自动,一致和可复制的方式从源构建和分发Linux软件包#obs
Fast TypeScript implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm 🖖
Fast TypeScript implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm (soon for AssemblyScript / WebAssembly).
Pimoroni Keybow based, WiFi-enabled Macro Pad (a.k.a. poor-man's Elgato Stream Deck)
Chrome fullscreen extension for device without keyboard. (Kiwi, Yandex supported)
A Flutter clean architecture boilerplate made with Bloc, Kiwi, Sailor, Sembast
🐦 Haxe port of Kiwi, an implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm
kiwi-kafka - A Kafka Web Interface
#IOS#simple flat and modern view for notification messages for iOS application
#网络爬虫#Query plane tickets using the Kiwi API (similar to Google Flights)
Kiwi acts as a mascot for the SFU Dodo Club. All commands have been coded by club members using Python and Python libraries
TKoT Online is an initiative to build a web portal to support localised responses to COVID 19 by Māori (Indigenous New Zealand) for Māori.
Sample projects for the uLab Kiwi FPGA + ESP32, and the Kiwi Lite development boards
KIWI configuration to produce minimal openSUSE system tarballs