AssemblyScript 是 TypeScript 的一个严格的变体,它使用 Binaryen 将代码编译为 WebAssembly。 AssemblyScript 能够生成精简的 WebAssembly 模块,并且只需通过npm install 就能使用
发布于 October 2017
#编程语言#AssemblyScript 是一种基于 TypeScript 的编程语言,用于编写 WebAssembly
Lunatic is an Erlang-inspired runtime for WebAssembly
翻译 - The Lunatic VM
Lucet, the Sandboxing WebAssembly Compiler.
翻译 - Lucet,沙盒WebAssembly编译器。
Butterchurn is a WebGL implementation of the Milkdrop Visualizer
Game Boy / Game Boy Color Emulator Library, 🎮written for WebAssembly using AssemblyScript. 🚀Demos built with Preact and Svelte. ⚛️
Build retro games using WebAssembly for a fantasy console.
WebGL in WebAssembly with AssemblyScript
Karmem is a fast binary serialization format, faster than Google Flatbuffers and optimized for TinyGo and WASM.
A great starting point to build your SaaS in Flask & Python, with Stripe subscription billing 🚀
A web dev server that lets you import anything*
A.K.A. WebAssembly Music. Live coding music and synthesis in Javascript / AssemblyScript (WebAssembly)
#安卓# 👍 👍 👏 🌟 ⭐ ⭐ Everything about the Android Studio and Intellij IDEAfor example:Install,common problems and solutions,each libraries for android and androidx ...
Web service to map IP addresses to AS information, using
A WebAssembly (via AssemblyScript) set of cryptographic primitives for building authentication and key exchange protocols.
The PoW challenge library used by Friendly Captcha
Fast TypeScript implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm (soon for AssemblyScript / WebAssembly).
🔥Blazing🔥 fast testing with AssemblyScript