🌊 A free REST API for random Kanye West quotes (Kanye as a Service)
翻译 - for免费的REST API,用于随机引用Kanye West报价(Kanye即服务)
Make Kanye sing any song ya want 🎤🔥
Make your own rap verses with one click
The app for Kanye West quotes
Instantly change all images on any given webpage to Kanye West.
Isabelle is a Discord Bot that incorporates three design patterns: Singleton, Strategy, and Command. Unit tests were made using jest.
Discord.NET bot that consumes the kanye.rest service.
Kanye is a Telegram bot that uses kanye.rest to send Kanye quotes to all your homies
The Top records of 2019 (In no particular order)
Random Kanye Quotes