Leantime is a goals focused project management system for non-project managers. Building with ADHD, Autism, and dyslexia in mind.
翻译 - Leantime是面向创新者的精益项目管理系统。旨在帮助您从构思到交付管理项目。
Free online agile retrospective meeting tool
#大语言模型#Agile Retrospective Board
Free, world-class retrospectives
⚡ Thunderdome is an open source agile planning poker, sprint retro, and story mapping tool
Realtime retrospective tool built in ASP.NET Core and Blazor
RetroMatic's used for real-time retrospectives. See how to leverage Angular and Firebase for syncing data across all the participants. Retrospective's are held at the end of sprints in Agile softwar...
Self-hosted retro tool aimed at helping remote teams
Python Multi-Objective Simulation Optimization: a package for using, implementing, and testing simulation optimization algorithms.
💧 Agile Sprint Retrospective tool
Phoenix application to create retrospective boards.
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