High-performance, low-footprint SQL database written in C++. Process millions of rows per second from Kafka, Pulsar, or ClickHouse, and seamlessly write results back. Supports powerful features like J...
基于node(nest.js + mysql)的用户组织权限管理系统,集成kafka消息推送(基于simple-push-center微服务)
👋 Management the blank service for the blanksystem as template.
Kafka Streams based stateful stream processing application on Oracle Application Container Cloud
introduction to the concept related to the use of Kafka
Assignatura Bases de Dades Avançades d'Enginyeria Informàtica (Universitatd de Barcelona)
Realtime metrics calculation pipeline using kafka, elasticsearch and kibana.
Spark Streaming using Apache Kafka. Event Based Streaming.
Kafka streams processing using simple Java Classes
This repository contains some examples of Java implementations using the Spring Cloud Stream libraries with a focus on Kafka and RabbitMQ.
#计算机科学#Professional Data Science and Marketing Portfolio
Kafka Avro, Schema Registry, Confluent Rest Proxy Examples and Endpoints Using Landoop Kafka UI
Demo project for Spring Boot as Kafka Producer
nodes typescript mongo db connectivity example with Kafka integration