📕 Clarity in the current fast-paced mess of Open Source innovation
Open source book about making Python packages.
Introduction to Cultural Analytics & Python, course website and online textbook powered by Jupyter Book
📝 Pytest plugin for testing notebooks
Use MyST Markdown directly in Jupyter Lab
Cookiecutter template for a simple jupyter book
Online, interactive edition of the "Simply Logical" Prolog textbook
#计算机科学#Open-source project hosted at https://makeuseofdata.com to crowdsource a robust collection of notes related to data science (math, visualization, modeling, etc)
#计算机科学#Hands-on material for a Machine Learning in Chemical Engineering course
#计算机科学#Increase citations, ease review & collaboration A collection of "easy wins" to make machine learning in research reproducible. This tutorial focuses on basics that work. Getting you 90% of the way ...
Jupyter Notebook tutorials using astronomical databases and virtual observatory tools
Scientific Computing with Python for beginners.
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#自然语言处理#A book containing step by step instructions to train deep learning models for a variety of tasks
A practical guide to climate econometrics: Navigating key decision points in weather and climate data analysis.
The de facto standard for people who are looking to learn Dyalog APL from a book. This updated version is a work in progress.
Hands-on tutorials, exercises, and projects to accompany the No Bullshit Guide to Statistics
Supporting LaTeX infrastructure for Jupyter Book