Taskflow 助您用现代 C++ 快速编写并行和异构任务程序
OpenCL integration for Python, plus shiny features
A curated list of awesome parallel computing resources
Generic system-wide modern C++ for heterogeneous platforms with SYCL from Khronos Group
Heterogeneous programming in Julia
Abstraction Library for Parallel Kernel Acceleration 🦙
Concurrent CPU-GPU Programming using Task Models
Heterogeneous Research Platform (HERO) for exploration of heterogeneous computers consisting of programmable many-core accelerators and an application-class host CPU, including full-stack software and...
#计算机科学#A low-level execution library for analytic data processing.
GARDENIA: Graph Analytics Repository for Designing Efficient Next-generation Accelerators
NAS Parallel Benchmarks for evaluating GPU and APIs
The Darmstadt Automotive Parallel HeterogeNEous (DAPHNE) Benchmark-Suite
⛔ DEPRECATED ⛔ HERO Software Development Kit
A heterogeneous Apache Spark framework.
Flexible Computational Science (FleCSI) Project
OpenFPM: A scalable open framework for particle and particle-mesh codes on parallel computers
High-Performance Computing: CPU Instructions, GPU OpenCL & CUDA, etc. ☀️
#计算机科学#Quick references to notes on specific topics and their basic introductions
Platform-aware programming in Julia