A GUI designed to easily visualize Docker Swarm Nodes allowing developers to fully understand their swarm, containers, and images at all times.
A simple Java EE application deployed using WildFly and accessing MySQL database
Docker Cheat Sheet - Guía Referencia de Comandos Docker
#面试#Docker: Simplified cheatsheet for key concepts and components
#自然语言处理#Zillion Web: A Demo UI and Web API for Zillion
An online judge system for competitive programming platform, The website is hosted on http://codeplayer.ninja
#计算机科学#Quick references to notes on specific topics and their basic introductions
Making confidential compute docker, docker swarm and kubernetes management simple
docker percona xtradb cluster 5.7 with proxysql on swarm mode
🐳 A prototype full-stack project with automated Docker Swarm deployments
DKT Project Served by Airflow / BentoML / Docker Swarm
Proyecto base para la creación de una API basada en FastAPI
A web application platform for Windows featuring a containerized development environment with support for Docker Swarm deployment.
Nextcloud with Traefik and Let's Encrypt in docker swarm
Ansible template that shows how to create dynamic staging servers with <branch-name>.<host>.com
Ambientes docker-compose - Laravel, MySQL 8, Redis e Suporte a MIX e Node.JS
An out-of-the-box solution to completely monitor your Docker Swarm environments. The monitoring stack uses Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager, Traefik and some exporters like cAdvisor.
Wordpress PHP-FPM NGINX MariaDB & phpMyAdmin install on Docker , Docker-compose stack , also ready for docker swarm cluster installation
Project generator Django + Celery, Angular or Stenciljs for Docker Compose (Dev), Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Rancher Etc