External Secrets Operator reads information from a third-party service like AWS Secrets Manager and automatically injects the values as Kubernetes Secrets.
翻译 - External Secrets Kubernetes 操作员从第三方服务(如 AWS Secrets Manager)读取信息,并自动将值作为 Kubernetes Secret 注入。
Collection of dhall packages
GitOps actions
Helm chart to deploy an (unofficial) Bitwarden provider for the Kubernetes External Secrets Operator.
This repository contains a simple REST wrapper for the Bitwarden Rust SDK
All things multi-cluster OpenShift, with GitOps goodness, and more
Presentation given at KCD Berlin 2022. In the presentation, we show how to create a simple Bash controller, with the example ExternalSecrets and Vault.
1Password secret driver for Docker
Helm Chart to deploy the first ArgoCD Application to setup AppOfApps and AppOfAppSets patterns
Bitwarden webhook provider for external secrets operator
Example of using External Secrets with Vault and Argo CD
A project template to practice Kubernetes and Argo CD by deploying a full-stack app (FastAPI, React, PostgreSQL) in a KinD cluster using GitOps. Includes AWS and GitHub Actions integrations.
Examples for external-secrets
This repo demonstrates how to fetch secrets from Azure Key Vault using the Kubernetes External Secrets operator. It leverages OIDC authentication and Azure Workload Identity to securely access the vau...
🔒 External Secrets Operator demo
This project provides a comprehensive setup for managing Kubernetes secrets using External Secrets Operator and automating application deployments with Tilt. It includes configurations for seamless in...
Provisions a Google Kubernetes Engine, along with ArgoCD to bootstrap the cluster with applications
Terraform module for External Secrets Operator (ESO)
Kind Cluster Bootstrap + GitOps - Used for Local Kubernetes Development and Testing