#计算机科学#A clean implementation based on AlphaZero for any game in any framework + tutorial + Othello/Gobang/TicTacToe/Connect4 and more
An implementation of the AlphaZero algorithm for Gomoku (also called Gobang or Five in a Row)
javascript gobang AI,JS五子棋AI,源码+教程,基于Alpha-Beta剪枝算法(不是神经网络)
A gobang robot based on reinforcement learning.
#计算机科学#Meta-Zeta是一个基于强化学习的五子棋(Gobang)模型,主要用以了解AlphaGo Zero的运行原理的Demo,即神经网络是如何指导MCTS做出决策的,以及如何自我对弈学习。源码+教程
C++ Gomoku with a strong AI based on minimax search and alpha-beta pruning with Qt5 GUI. *Dozens of C++ tricks & hacks are used to improve efficiency.* Come and try to see if you can beat the powerfu...
Chess game website client and server.
400行代码,五子棋双人联机对战,允许观战。两人进入同一房间即可开始对战,后续进入玩家可观战。下棋无时间限制,中途关闭网页后可以随时再回来继续对战(很适合排队无聊时玩)。前后端通信基于websocket,前端采用原生html js css,UI基于svg。后端Python,基于Daphne。无数据库。
alphaGo版本的五子棋(gobang, gomoku)
#计算机科学#Deep Learning big homework of UCAS