💎 The Principles of OOD (SOLID) based on Uncle Bob articles.
An LLM GUI application; enables you to interact with your files, offering dynamic parameters that can modify response behavior during runtime.
An iOS app designed using clean architecture and MVVM.
The SOLID principles in JavaScript and TypeScript
Easy Elegant Reactive Swift #NoRx
how to implement the static interface pattern
A mini space game made applying all SOLID Principles to serve as a reference of good code architecture.
Projeto de estudo baseado nos principais conceitos sobre o SOLID aplicados a linguagem Kotlin
#IOS#SOLID Principles - in swift
🛠️ The Principles of OOD in Kotlin: A practical guide to applying Object-Oriented Design principles in Kotlin, showcasing best practices and design patterns for building clean, maintainable, and scal...
Code accompanying the Medium article "Dependency Injection for Games"
Clean code principles and design patterns examples in Java with Unit Test cases
Bu projede; SOLID prensiplerini örnekleriyle birlikte açıklamaya çalıştım.
Kit to create your own IoC Container or ServiceLocator. Use ServiceProvider as core, ServiceLocator as ready IoC Container
Bu projemde Yazılım Prensiplerinden olan SOLID İlkelerini açıkladım. Hem teorik olarak hemde uygulama üzerinden prensipleri inceleyebilirsiniz
Easily parsable clean code cheat sheet V 2.4. Based on the work of Urs Enzler.