Cute DI framework with agreeable API and everything you need
Performant, concise, and easy-to-use dependency injection container for Python 3.8+.
Simple, lightweight & useful Dependency Injector for dotnet.
翻译 - 适用于dotnet的简单,轻巧和有用的Dependency Injector。
#安卓#Android processing and secured library for managing SharedPreferences as key-value elements efficiently and structurally.
翻译 - Android处理程序和安全库,用于高效且结构化地将SharedPreferences作为键值元素进行管理。
Dependency injection, works with FastAPI, Litestar, Django, Flask (Python 3.8-3.13). Light replacement with new features for dependency-injector
Code accompanying the Medium article "Dependency Injection for Games"
📠 intelliJ plugin for inject dependency easily and quickly
Python Dependency Injector based on interface binding
FastAPI with Dependency Injector Template
Lidi - A LIghtweight Dependency Injector for Python
A Very Simple Python Dependency Injector
Тестовое задание Backend Avito
python api, google cloud study
Simple Php dependency resolver