#安卓#Android processing and secured library for managing SharedPreferences as key-value elements efficiently and structurally.
翻译 - Android处理程序和安全库,用于高效且结构化地将SharedPreferences作为键值元素进行管理。
#安卓#Material Elements help developers execute Material Elements. Developed by a core team of engineers and UX designers, these components enable a reliable development workflow to build beautiful and func...
翻译 - Material Elements帮助开发人员执行Material Elements。这些组件由工程师和UX设计师的核心团队开发,可实现可靠的开发工作流程,以构建美观且功能强大的Android应用。
A Java serialization/deserialization library - convert Java Objects easier into JSON and back
翻译 - Java序列化/反序列化库-轻松将Java对象转换为JSON并返回
An Android Library that comes with useful features and components.
翻译 - 具有实用功能和组件的Android库。