Think of Local sheriff as a recon tool in your browser (WebExtension). While you normally browse the internet, Local Sheriff works in the background to empower you in identifying what data points (PII...
A burp suite extension that reviews backup, old, temporary and unreferenced files on web server for sensitive information (OWASP WSTG-CONF-04, OTG-CONFIG-004)
A burp suite extension that enumerates infrastructure and application admin interfaces (OTG-CONFIG-005)
Safe Data Leakage via Application Background Screenshot and Prevent Screenshot for Android and iOS.
Script to monitor pastebin.com's public pastes for sensitive data leakage
#区块链#A list of basic privacy-focused enhancements
#计算机科学#Code associated with the paper 'Cracking the blackbox of deep sequence-based protein-protein interaction prediction'
A static analysis tool to detect test data leakage in Python notebooks
🗄️💧 Find exposed and unsecured databases from a list of hosts. 🗄️💧
Study the relationship between review numbers and sales for Steam games
Predicting the ideological direction of Supreme Court decisions: ensemble vs. unified case-based model
#计算机科学#Solution for ENS - Societe Generale Challenge (1st place).
#数据仓库#Data quality analysis of DermaMNIST (MedMNIST), HAM10000, and Fitzpatrick17k datasets
#计算机科学#Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
Experiments conducted on the TPEHGDB dataset to reproduce the reported results from "A critical look at studies applying over-sampling on the TPEHGDB dataset"
mamba_dlp scans your cloud for sensitive data
Optimize your web vulnerability assessments with PassiveDigger, a comprehensive Burp Suite extension that specializes in passive traffic analysis. Detect potential vulnerabilities, get actionable insi...