#计算机科学#This is the repository of our article published in RecSys 2019 "Are We Really Making Much Progress? A Worrying Analysis of Recent Neural Recommendation Approaches" and of several follow-up studies.
翻译 - 这是我们在RecSys 2019中发表的文章的资料库,``我们真的取得了很大进展吗?对最近的神经推荐方法的担忧分析''
个性化新闻推荐系统,A news recommendation system involving collaborative filtering,content-based recommendation and hot news recommendation, can be adapted easily to be put into use in other circumstances.
[WSDM'2024 Oral] "LLMRec: Large Language Models with Graph Augmentation for Recommendation"
#计算机科学#4 different recommendation engines for the MovieLens dataset.
#计算机科学#Comprehensive and Rigorous Framework for Reproducible Recommender Systems Evaluation
This repository contains the code for building movie recommendation engine.
This repository contains code how to build job recommendation engine using Kaggle 'Job Recommendation Challenge' dataset
A simple content-based recommender implemented in javascript
Implementing Content based and Collaborative filtering(with KNN, Matrix Factorization and Neural Networks) in Python
#计算机科学#PyTorch-Lightning Library for Neural News Recommendation
Complexly represent contents, build recommender systems, evaluate them. All in one place!
#计算机科学#Next-up, a movie recommendation system project created for Microsoft Intern Engage' 2022. I got selected for Software Engineering Internship '23 at Microsoft via this program.
Designed a movie recommendation system using content-based, collaborative filtering based, SVD and popularity based approach.
#自然语言处理#🎤 Building a content-based podcast recommender system using NLP
Movie Recommendation System created using Collaborative Filtering (Website) and Content based Filtering (Jupyter Notebook)
#计算机科学#A react native(UI), FastAPI (Server) and MySQL(DB) non-fungible token market place with a machine learning content-based filtering recommendation engine.
Grocery Recommendation on Instacart Data
#计算机科学#Skin Care Recommender System Based on Skin Problems Using Content-Based Filtering
This is a MERN stack Subscription based Online Learning Platform with content based recommendation system.
Content Based Recommender System for real estate properties.