A utility to compile & decompile IW engine game scripts.
NodeJS Wrapper for the Call Of Duty API.
Modification for IW6
翻译 - 新鲜玩意。
AlterWare.dev updater & launcher | Call of Duty mods
zonetool, a fastfile linker for various Call of Duty titles.
The Bot Warfare mod for MW2
Open Source Modding Tools for old Call Of Duty games
The Bot Warfare mod for MW3
Call of Duty: Black Ops Zombies - Reimagined
Asynchronous, object-oriented Python wrapper for the Call of Duty API.
A Tool to easily create Server via SteamCMD
#计算机科学#Deep Neural Networks for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2019
Field of view tools for MW2, MW3, and Ghosts
The Bot Warfare mod for CoD4
A Python-based Snap Tap program with adjustable Tap Groupings, Rebinds (Key Replacements), Macros (Aliases) and per key adjustable delay to imitate natural input