#自然语言处理#TwitPersonality: Computing Personality Traits from Tweets using Word Embeddings and Supervised Learning
#计算机科学#Recognition of Persomnality Types from Facebook status using Machine Learning
Big five personality traits calculator build with Vue and using pre-rendering for better SEO
#计算机科学#Code for reproducing results in the paper "Personality traits classification from EEG signals using EEGNet". Big Five personality classification from EEG signals (AMIGOS dataset), using the CNN model ...
#计算机科学#Learning Personality is a bachelor internship project that use neural networks to extract, from natural language (in particular reviews), personality traits, through automatic approaches. @unimib17/18...
#自然语言处理#Source code for the project of my Master Thesis
#计算机科学#A big5 personality traits prediction application that processes tweets, generates tweets lexicon, find best fitted model on each personality traits, and calculates the personality traits score of the...
[CJK] 中文编码 (Chinese character encoding)
Some character encoding utils
ML clustering techniques for grouping users according to their personality