GTSAM is a library of C++ classes that implement smoothing and mapping (SAM) in robotics and vision, using factor graphs and Bayes networks as the underlying computing paradigm rather than sparse matr...
翻译 - GTSAM是C ++类的库,使用因子图和贝叶斯网络作为基础计算范例而不是稀疏矩阵,在机器人技术和视觉中实现平滑和映射(SAM)。
GTSAM Tutorial Examples
GTSAM modified to include Sim3 types.
End-to-end SFM framework based on GTSAM
A collection of GTSAM factors and optimizers for point cloud SLAM
An extension of gtsam to provide support for optimizing quadric landmarks
Estimates pose, velocity, and accelerometer / gyroscope biases by fusing GPS position and/or 6DOF pose with IMU data. The fusion is done using GTSAM's sparse nonlinear incremental optimization (ISAM2)...
FASTER-LIO-SAM: A SLAM system based on iVox and GTSAM.
Pose-graph SLAM with Open Karto as Front-end and GTSAM as Backend
Offline Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using GTSAM
Example of doing SFM (structure form motion) using OpenCV + GTSAM + PMVS
ORB-SLAM2 Library with an extension of GTSAM Factor Graph Streaming
Miscellaneous SLAM algorithms implemented by OpenCV, C++, Ceres, g2o, gtsam, Sophus libraries
Lidar localization system with prior map constraint and lio constraint based on GTSAM
lsd_slam modified to work with Gtsam, also read external gps measurements
Simultaneous Mapping and Localization framework for drone