CSS Prefixer for JavaScript code. The simple library to get vendor-prefixed name (e.g. `webkitFlex`) and vendor-prefixed value (e.g. `-moz-inline-grid`) of CSS property. This is not pre-compiler for s...
An ESBuild plugin to make CSS compatible for all browsers.
🐻 Generate encapsulated css inline styles which are extremely configurable.
Neste repositório você vai aprender a trabalhar com o CSS3, através de uma aula feita pelo Mayk Brito nos cursos do Discover
"Mealify" is a responsive restaurant landing page that offers a delightful and engaging user experience. The website showcases various sections including a home page, chefs' profiles, a gallery of app...
Sass + a little bit more. Compiling, vendor prefixing, minifying, and cleaning in one command with sensible defaults. No config needed!
This project is a responsive HTML5 and CSS3 template with 2D animation.
Mealify is a stunning, responsive webpage that supports dark mode.
A combination of tools that use Gulp to compile scss, normalize css, concatenate css and minify css for distribution and production.
Books is a responsive HTML5 , CSS3 and JS Application To Add , Delete ,Search For Book , Delete and Show All Books From LocalStorage . I used Fontawesome , Flexbox and Media Query.
Cloothes is a responsive shopping cart designed to show products, allowing users to increment, decrement and remove products from the Shopping cart, while also displaying the total price. It is built ...
The ToDo List is a responsive HTML5 , CSS3 and JS Application To Add Tasks , Remove One or All Tasks and Show Status : Not Start - In Progress - Done with a Sweetalert, Fontawesome and audio sounds ....
Mealify is a stunning responsive webpage that supports dark mode.
Mealify is a stunning, responsive webpage that supports Dark / Light Mode. (Powerful Of CSS)
Moovie is a Responsive Movies Website to Search, Add Movies To Watch, Watched or Delete Movies. Built with React.js and CSS3. I used Context API, React hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext), JavaScr...
Flappy Bird is a game made with HTML5, CSS3 and JS.