#IOS#Zwift bridge for smart treadmills and bike/cyclette
ESP32 based treadmill speed and incline sensor and BLE Server exposed as FTMS Service
Gait analysis data pipeline for publication "TRIPOD—A Treadmill Walking Dataset with IMU, Pressure-Distribution and Photoelectric Data for Gait Analysis".
Deprecated Unity API for use with the Omnideck and HTC Vive SteamVR
Version 4b (first public release) Control code for the 16F690 PIC controller on the motor control board
Software for running split-belt treadmill experiments with rats
An implementation using Web Bluetooth and FTMS to control a treadmill from a browser
WalkingPad compatible controller software with stats tracking
Sisyphus Sheep (originally Treadmill Torment) Game
Determine how many calories you are burning while walking or running on a treadmill and visualize those parameters using python GUI
A CSAFE interface (C,C++,Arduino) and an (HTML) iFit tone generator that helps one create workouts that coincide with a music playlist
Game developed during my internship at the HCI Lab - University of Udine