A very fast & simple Ruby web server
翻译 - 一个非常快速且简单的Ruby Web服务器
A plugin for Sinatra to provide a DSL extension for using Thin for asynchronous responses
Docker database images with pre-populated data for testing and/or practice.
A FEniCS Project-based library for simulating thin structures
🚫 Microsoft Edge and Windows adblock, working with hosts file
Ruby EventMachine Web Socket Redis Pub/Sub Chat Room
The Canny edge detector is an edge detection operator that uses a multi-stage algorithm to detect a wide range of edges in images.
Spatial Graph Extractor. Library and scripts to study graphs extracted from binary images, or to generate graphs and analyze them completely in-silico. Used at least in biopolymers simulations and vas...
In fact, this measure does not measure the rate of obesity but rather is an appropriate tool to estimate the health of a person's weight according to their height.
Create stub environments the easy way
💋 ┎愛┐、不夠〃德瞬〃間-\-/留┆8┆住的┾永遠┾ 曾〃經〃的〃美〃麗〃名〃叫〃牽〃挂
Our recipes for Capistrano-3, including: Monit, letsencrypt (install, build, update-cron-job), nGinX, sidekiq, redis, postgres, secret-handling, slack-messages, ...
progress bar plugin for general use(jquery,ajaxproogress,fileupload,angularjs,etc)
Lightweight Docker image for SBT based on Alpine Linux.
A minimal logger class, suitable mostly for console utilities rather than enterprise-grade applications.
Oracle Database Connection Tester in Container.