Ruby client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system.
翻译 - NATS的Ruby客户端,即云本机消息传递系统。
EventMachine-based RabbitMQ client. Prefer Bunny: See documentation guides at
A plugin for Sinatra to provide a DSL extension for using Thin for asynchronous responses
em-eventsource is an eventmachine library to consume Server-Sent Events streaming API.
Another URL shortener based on Event Machine and rack-fiber_pool
Dockerized skeleton for prooph software Event Machine
Ruby EventMachine Web Socket Redis Pub/Sub Chat Room
Develop your own tunnel protocol made easy!
Bomberman implementation for UA Web Challenge backend
A circuit breaker for eventmachine and em-http-request
Ruby Eventmachine on OpenWRT CC 15.0.1 - Wifi Pineapples
Code examples using EventMachine
One web api to query eps(Earnings per Share) values for multiple companies concurrently with eventmachine
A small server for chatting through WebSockets
The aim of this project is to learn a bit more about EventMachine.