An automated bitcoin wallet collider that brute forces random wallet addresses
mXtract - Memory Extractor & Analyzer
翻译 - mXtract-攻击性内存提取器和分析器
Have you ever wanted to develop a project, but do like, none of the work? Save time with this tool!
Fast and easy parallel computing in C++11
Cobra can steal system info of the windows system and then send it to a email of your choice
A tiny cross-platform Python script that steals saved & cached FileZilla credentials.
Короче чтоб смотреть по сделкам в битриксе в твоей выборке сколько появилось новых, а сколько пропало (если кто-то п****т сделки). По пропавшим автоматом генерируется файл.
This is a multi-threaded desktop program which I wrote a long ago to steal my friends files from their pen-drive (flash drive) whenever they plug it in to my computer.
Wifi Stealer inspired by Manjuska Framework/TCM
Ky program ka për qëllim vjedhjen e fjalëkalimeve të WiFi-ve të ruajtura në pajisjen kompjuterike ku po ekzekutohet.