#IOS#THIS REPO IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED! Check https://github.com/andrealufino/Luminous. This library provides a list of 80 methods to get every kind of system information!
Hound is a simple and light tool for information gathering and capture exact GPS coordinates
A simple System Information Monitor software with modern UI
A Raspberry Pi dashboard built on NodeJS.
An advanced botting app that makes minecraft and discord bot and lets u control them as well as manage them while hosting them on your pc
#安卓#Alfetch - a CLI Bash script to show system information on Android devices in termux.
A tool to locate people using social engineering. 🚀
system infomation APIs in CPP. support Windows and Linux. include basic infomation(user name, CPU used ratio), net infomation(download rate, IP address), disk infomation(space)...
Reads (and writes) informationen from system(s)
Returns system information fast
Sistem informasi dan peramalan pada toko istana sayur menggunakan metode double exponential smoothing dan terdapat fitur CRUD. Menggunakan bahasa PHP, CSS dan JS serta CodeIgniter framework
Adapter for monitoring and maintenance of an ioBroker multihost installation
Lightweight System Info tool for Windows
A crossplatform application made with flutter that can show all internal of a device ie. cpu info, sensor info
Cobra can steal system info of the windows system and then send it to a email of your choice
Provides the accessibility to the various System Informations with Fast Response caching mechanism 💯